
Artist Statement

My artistic exploration delves deep into the intricate web of identity, intimately intertwined with the enduring memory of life's experiences. My quest extends to the intricate tapestry of individual and collective memory, spanning from personal recollections to the cultural landscape. My journey begins with primary research, a fusion of interviews and attentive observation, offering profound insights and varied perspectives. Complementary to this foundation, secondary sources such as photographs open gateways to analysis and interpretation.

In the crucible of creativity, my art takes shape, evolving from a visceral emotional response to a rich contextual focus. Each work commences with an introspective letter, wherein I distill the essence of the moment into emotive keywords. These words form the bedrock, the base layer, breathing life into the canvas. They serve as an indelible testament, a commemoration of my observations in that very moment.

These canvases metamorphose from personal or inspired memories into expressive abstractions. They aspire to articulate the authenticity and convictions embedded within both individual and collective memories. They stand as platforms where memories are unveiled, echoing history, while simultaneously weaving fresh, ever-evolving narratives. Within this realm, the creative synergy between artist and viewer ignites the co-creation of storytelling, birthing contemporary folklore and, at times, collective memory. This approach liberates both artist and audience, encouraging them to unfurl their own interpretations unencumbered by absolute truths and realities.

By scrutinizing the intricacies of our relationships with our memories, I strive to amplify the chasm between the presented narrative and the narrative birthed within each viewer. My art serves as a conduit for manifesting emotions of profound personal significance. This exploration navigates the dualism between presentation and individual subjective interpretation. It engages in the art of memory regeneration and rejuvenation, an act of arbitration that reshapes the way we remember. It forges experiences wherein once-forgotten memories undergo transformation, resonating with their original essence through the harmonious marriage of abstraction and representation. The paintings birthed through this method stand as archetypal representations, telling stories through the eloquent language of colours, marks, and gestures.